Getting yourself into difficult bargaining is one thing. But being stuck in bad faith negotiations is a whole new level of hardship. And even though practice assigns the duty of good faith negotiations to all parties involved, it’s not uncommon to run into “false negotiators” who are not sitting at the table to reach an...Read More
Although people often think bargaining and negotiation are synonyms, these approaches have many differences separating them from one another. However, there’s also a reason why these two get mixed up. In a certain way, there is no bargaining without negotiation, as there is no negotiation without bargaining. Here’s the full explanation. Positional Bargaining When we...Read More
Law appears to be one of those fields that promises a successful career, some fame, and knowledge in a complex field that touches all aspects of human life. Law, also known as “Legal Studies,” is concerned with issues and conflicts concerning society and morality. It is said that the first academic degrees were Doctorates in...Read More
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